Reporting Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour in Truro
It's really important that everyone reports ALL crime and anti-social behaviour via the correct methods detailed below. Without the reports we will struggle to convince our partners (such as the police) that more resource is required on the street, and if there's no crime report, no action will be taken.
DISC & Reporting
In June 2021 we launched the DISC online crime reporting system for businesses and organisations to help reduce anti-social behaviour (ASB) and low-level crime.
The scheme enables partners (Cornwall Council, Devon & Cornwall Police) to work with Truro Shopwatch more efficiently and deliver a better communication network to support the business community
The DISC online reporting system should therefore be used for all incidents that have caused you a concern or when the incident has already happened as the reports take a few days to be viewed by the Police.
Please continue to ensure that you include all the details via DISC. E.g., a good description of the offender, and if the incident is theft a description and value of the item so there is a better chance of the theft report being crimed.
If you witness or are involved in an incident where you feel an immediate threat or the crime is still happening contact Devon and Cornwall Police by:
• Telephoning to 999
If you complete a DISC report for a non-urgent matter this replaces the need to telephone 101. To sign up to DISC email:
As well as DISC we have provided the city with a security resource, for more details see the
Truro Rangers webpage.
Location of defibs in Truro
The location of defibs in the city centre are updated annually on the Truro BID website and can be found here. These defibs are in addition to the dentists and doctors in the city. Remember that if you call 999 they will always point you to the closest defib to hand. Truro Businesses, If you know of any other defibs in the city please let us know by emailing